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von Egon von Greyerz

Founder and Chairman
Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management AG – GoldSwitzerland and Patrick Vierra of Silver Bullion TV interview


0:00 Wealth Preservation Highlight

0:16 Introductions – Egon von Greyerz Background

3:15 ECB Rising Rates

5:20 High Inflation

9:12 The Looming Recession

15:26 Credit Suisse Collapse

22:00 Protecting Your Assets Now!

22:32 BRICS Gold-backed $

24:26 Dollars, Gold and Wealth Preservation

In this brief (33-minute), yet engaging, conversation with Silver Bullion TV, Matterhorn Asset Management Founder, Egon von Greyerz, addresses the importance of balance and meaning in a global financial backdrop increasingly absent of both.

The conversation opens with the ECB’s latest rate hikes in its ever-comical dance to fight an inflationary tide which the central banks alone created. Von Greyerz addresses the fiction of “target 2%.” He sees rates (as well as energy pricing) going higher, which will ultimately add to the inflationary pressures. As rates (and hence the cost of debt) go higher, the need for more synthetic liquidity to cover that debt will end up being inflationary.

Of course, the impact of such poor policies (rising rates and inflation) will affect the man on the street the hardest. This is a gradual but real pain evident across Europe, which is simultaneously (and sadly) suffering from extremely poor leadership. Net result: Citizens will have to pay the recessionary Piper for the financial negligence of their policy makers.

Von Greyerz confirms that banks and policy makers have very few tools left other than empty words to hide embarrassingly poor math, an undeniable embarrassment as evidenced by the recent implosion at Credit Suisse for massive leverage and poor loan underwriting. Unfortunately, such poor banking practices are hardly unique to Credit Suisse. The entire banking system, as argued herein and warned for years, is under extreme pressure. Bail-ins are very likely especially in the US but also in Europe.

As to de-dollarization and the recent headlines as to a gold-backed trading currency among the BRICS, von Greyerz sees the trend away from the USD but is not expecting any complex gold-backed currency in the near or even medium term. The case for gold, however, is rising among central bank reserves. Most importantly, such trends and signs make a far stronger case for informed investors to protect their wealth with physical gold rather than fiat dollars and increasingly unloved sovereign bonds.

As von Greyerz consistently reminds, gold as a wealth preservation asset has never been more important.

About Egon von Greyerz
Als Schweizer und Schwedischer Doppelbürger durchlief Egon von Greyerz seine Ausbildung hauptsächlich in Schweden. Seine Berufslaufbahn begann in Genf als Banker, danach war er 17 Jahre lang Finanzdirektor und Executive Vice-Chairman der Dixons Group Plc. Während dieser Zeit wuchs Dixons von einem Fotogeschäft zu einer im FTSE 100 gelisteten Firma und einer der grössten Elektronik-Handelsketten G... Mehr…

Egon von Greyerz
Founder and Chairman

Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 213 62 45

Der globale Kundenstamm von VON GREYERZ sichert aus strategischen Gründen einen erheblichen Anteil des Eigenvermögens in physischem Gold und Silber, das außerhalb des Bankensystems in der Schweiz verwahrt wird. Dabei bietet Matterhorn Asset Management seiner hochgeschätzten Kundschaft aus über 90 Ländern einen einzigartigen und außergewöhnlichen Vermögensschutz-Service.

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