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As generally is the case before major turns in markets, optimism is still high. But this autumn is likely to change all that as the unfortunate realities of our situation finally hit the world.

Egon von Greyerz / August 17, 2022

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Modern American Policy: Stupid or Sinister?

Is DC creating an intentional class of American lords and serfs, in which the former hand out stimulus checks to prevent the later from reaching for pitch forks? As we learned in the Europe of the 19...

Matthew Piepenburg / August 10, 2022

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The Great Recession: Facts vs. Denials

Given the evidence, the US is heading straight into a recession and will be forced to confront that reality (however downplayed or officially postponed) by cranking out the mouse-click money in a way...

Matthew Piepenburg / August 3, 2022

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Recessionary Realities Point to Rising Gold

Hawkish and dovish language is coming out of the Fed. The central bank is stuck between a rock and hard place. Even though the Fed has been relatively aggressive in its rate hikes, it will not be enou...

Egon von Greyerz / August 1, 2022

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Gold’s Rise Is Just a Recession Away

Current market forces collectively, historically, empirically and common-sensically point toward new highs for gold, whose bull market, which began to stretch its legs after the 2016 bottom of $1050,...

Matthew Piepenburg / July 26, 2022

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5 Reasons Why Interest Rate Cuts Are Already Around the Corner

Given the record high inflation, real interest rates are still clearly negative, giving the impression that the current global cycle of interest rate hikes is far from reaching its end. But this con...

Ronni Stoeferle / July 21, 2022

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Telling You What Powell Won’t: He’s Seeking Inflation, Not Fighting It

With global debt at $300T+, and combined U.S. corporate, household and public debt well past $90T, the Fed’s “face-saving” attempt to raise rates as a weapon against 9% reported CPI inflation is a fai...

Matthew Piepenburg / July 19, 2022

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No Good Solutions Left for Central Banks

In this brief interview with Wall Street Silver’s Jim Lewis and Ivan Baroukhi, Matterhorn Asset Management principal Matthew Piepenburg discusses the trap which central banks have set for themselves a...

Egon von Greyerz / July 15, 2022

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Paper Gold Price Manipulation—Rigged to Fail

The current and open fraud regarding the paper gold price in the COMEX market is now as plain to see as the open desperation in the global financial system, which is unraveling in real-time all around...

Matthew Piepenburg / July 11, 2022

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Falling Gold Prices Explained Before They Surge North

In this latest MAMChat, Egon von Greyerz and Matthew Piepenburg discuss recent price moves in gold and the likely trends. Long-term preservation investing (rather than short-term price emotion) has ne...

Egon von Greyerz / July 7, 2022

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