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Modern Currency Policy: Nations Compete, Citizens Suffer

Below we consider how modern currency policy may not be so good for, well, the people... This is why gold inevitably enters the conversation, for unlike policy makers, this old pet rock garners more...

Matthew Piepenburg / June 25, 2023

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The Familiar Death Dance—Investors Out to Lunch as Macro Cracks Widen

In this twenty-minute conversation with Investor Talk’s Jan Kneist, Matterhorn Asset Management founding partner, Egon von Greyerz, soberly assesses the current calm (fantasy) before an inevitable sto...

Egon von Greyerz / June 23, 2023

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Solid Gold In a Broken World

Below, we look at gold in a broke(n) world of hubris, debt, Realpolitik and a rising east. For well over a year, we’ve openly declared that the Fed is cornered. That is, Powell knows he needs higher...

Matthew Piepenburg / June 18, 2023

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Stories for Children: The US Economic Fairytale

When Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall and took a big fall, “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put Humpty-Dumpty together again.” I see a similar fate for the US debt egg, whose cr...

Matthew Piepenburg / June 11, 2023

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The West debt problem - IOU

The West Debt & Inflation Implosion

Tom Bodrovics from Palisades Gold Radio welcomes back Egon von Greyerz, Founder and Chairman of Matterhorn Asset Management AG based in Switzerland. The U.S. debt has doubled every eight years, and...

Egon von Greyerz / June 7, 2023

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Think Smarter than the Policy Makers: Become Your Own Gold-Backed Bank

In this spritely conversation with The Market Sniper’s Francis Hunt, Matterhorn Asset Management, AG partner, Matthew Piepenburg, discusses a changing global landscape and gold’s critical role in a ma...

Matthew Piepenburg / June 6, 2023

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Front-Running the Fed: How Gold & Chess-Players Beat a Rigged Market

We have hardly been the first nor the last to realize that rising rates “break things.” We’ve all seen the disastrous credit events in the repo crisis of late 2019, the UST debacle in March of 2020,...

Matthew Piepenburg / June 4, 2023

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Changing Dollar, Competing Currency Blocks and Golden Common Sense

In this latest conversation with Elijah Johnson of Liberty & Finance, Matterhorn Asset Management Partner, Matthew Piepenburg, addresses the most recent trends in the global market and gold space—from...

Matthew Piepenburg / June 1, 2023

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Image of Financial Greed

Facts vs. Fed-Speak: A Comical History with Tragic Consequences

Below, we look at simple facts in the context of complex markets to underscore the dangerous direction of Fed-Speak and Fed policy. Keep It Simple, Stupid. The simple facts are clear to almost anyon...

Matthew Piepenburg / May 28, 2023

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Dollar Woes to Debt Denial: The USA Is Screwed

Below, we see why the USA is screwed. De-Dollarization: Downplaying the Obvious De-Dollarization is a real, all too real trend, though it is both fascinating and disturbing to see what is otherwise...

Matthew Piepenburg / May 21, 2023

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