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Unemployment, Economic data and Swiss Allocated Gold

KWN – 31 january 2013 In this week’s interview Egon von Greyerz discusses the rising unemployment in western economies, the continued stream of weak economic data and Swiss Banks ‘su...

Edward Maas / February 2, 2013

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What is Key for the price formation of Gold?

THE MATTERHORN INTERVIEW – Jan 2013: Robert Blumen “What’s really key for the price formation of gold?” In this exclusive interview for Matterhorn Asset Management, Robert Blumen discusses some import...

Edward Maas / January 31, 2013

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Why QE will accelerate and Gold will follow

WHY QE WILL ACCELERATE AND GOLD WILL FOLLOW by Egon von Greyerz  – January 2013 Some investors are disappointed as gold only went up 7% in USD in 2012. After having compounded at over 19% p...

Egon von Greyerz / January 17, 2013

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Massive policy change means the beginning of the fall of Japan

King World News Audio interview- Dec 21, 2012   Click to listen to the interview In this 2013 outlook interview Egon von Greyerz discusses with Eric King the important monetary developments and e...

Edward Maas / December 28, 2012

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A failure on Comex Silver – Alasdair Macleod

THE MATTERHORN INTERVIEW – Review 2012: Alasdair Macleod “We are quite likely to have a failure on COMEX in the silver market” Matterhorn Asset Management is very pleased that the Christmas 2012 Matte...

Edward Maas / December 22, 2012

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Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

The more things change, the more they stay the same Dec 19, 2012 No, nothing new. More QE and gold goes down. In addition,  another downpour of economic news that confirms the total inability of...

Egon von Greyerz / December 19, 2012

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Europe & USA will not allow deflation to take root

THE MATTERHORN INTERVIEW – December 2012: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard “Europe and America will not allow deflation to take root” We are extremely pleased to publish this ‘must read interview’...

Edward Maas / December 5, 2012

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The Petrodollar is Either Dead or Dying

THE MATTERHORN INTERVIEW – November 2012: Chris Cook “The Petrodollar is Either Dead or Dying” The internationally acknowledged energy consultant Chris Cook addresses in this exclusive int...

Edward Maas / November 27, 2012

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Commodities represent a real alternative store of value

In this second October Matterhorn interview I am very pleased that Lars Schall had the opportunity to meet up with macro economist John Butler. John Butler, who is founder and Chief Investment officer...

Edward Maas / October 26, 2012

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The Ultimate Bubble is paper Money

THE MATTERHORN INTERVIEW – October 2012: Keith Weiner   The Ultimate Bubble is Paper Money   Keith Weiner, President of The Gold Standard Institute USA, explains in this exclusive interview for Matter...

Edward Maas / October 16, 2012

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