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PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

“The Matterhorn Interview – 29 Oct. 2013: John Butler – Part 2”

In the second part of this video interview from Lars Schall, John Butler digs deeper into, inter alia: why precious metals are the only natural form of trusted money, the risks of gold derivatives, the prospect of trading nations refusing paper money in exchange for their exports and why the euro was perhaps in principal a fine idea, but won’t survive in its current form.
Enjoy the final part of this interview.

Egon von Greyerz

PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

“The Matterhorn Interview – 28 Oct. 2013: John Butler – Part 1”

On behalf of Matterhorn Asset Management Zurich, London-based investment manager John Butler met with German financial journalist Lars Schall in Munich to discuss some of the major aspects of international affairs as they relate to the sphere of finance. In Part 1 (18 minutes) of this tremendous and informative video interview they focus in particular on the U.S. dollar and the challenges that may arise if China would back the yuan with gold. Butler: if gold would be remonetized in a historical proper fashion, its price would be a lot higher.

Egon von Greyerz

PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

There is a ridiculous amount of time spent on what the Fed will do or won’t do or analysing the latest economic figures. Very few people use their own brain to figure out the obvious. And the obvious is that debt which has been growing exponentially in the last 40 years, started its parabolic phase in 2006 when Bernanke became chairman of the Fed. So we don’t have to ask what central banks will do. Because it is guaranteed that they will soon start unlimited money printing to complete the debt parabola.

That means we are now starting the hyperinflationary phase in the USA and many other countries. And this will all start in 2014. What will be the trigger? The answer is simple – the fall of the US dollar.


PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

At last it is official. The US now has NO debt limit.

After months of wrangling the US politicians decided that they couldn’t decide. So they decided to continue to ignore the debt limit like they have for the last 100 years.

The stock market loves it of course. A major part of the massive liquidity generated by the credit creation and money printing goes straight into stocks. So this major inflow of printed money does nothing for the real economy or normal people but makes the rich richer and the poor more indebted. Stock markets always rise at the initial stages of a hyperinflationary period. And this is what we will see in the US and many other countries in coming years. But the stock market rise is on its final leg. Thereafter we will have a secular bear market lasting many years.

Whilst US investors like the abandonment of the debt ceiling, the rest of the world has made its verdict and is now selling the dollar at an accelerated rate. (more…)

PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

We have just seen another smash in gold and silver. The official manipulation is so blatant it is ridiculous. No one in their sane mind would sell massive quantities of gold and silver in a thin market with no buyers.

The gold price measures confidence in the government or lack thereof. Gold also reveals governments deceitful actions in destroying the value of paper money by printing unlimited amounts of it.

Whilst the West tries to suppress gold by selling in the paper market, the East and in particular China and India continues to buy all the physical gold they can get their hands on.

The gold price is currently where it was in 2010. In the meantime debt in the US has increased exponentially. US money supply is up 50% since then to $10 trillion and the Fed’s balance sheet has expanded by 50% to $3.6 trillion. Also, US Federal debt has gone up by $4 trillion to $17 trillion.

The above is just some of the things I discussed in my King World News Interview.

Please click here for link to the written interview:

Egon von Greyerz

Matterhorn Asset Management is dedicated to wealth preservation through safe and secure silver and gold storage in Switzerland. Protect your gold in the world’s safest vaults. To become a client, click here.

PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Gartman and a few others are now declaring that gold is a slam dunk sell. You wonder how these people can charge so much money for their advice. They are consistently wrong when it comes to forecasting the gold price but still they persist. gold has never been a clearer buy.

We know that there will be no tapering because the US economy can only function by printing unlimited amounts of money. We also know for the same reason that the debt ceiling will continue to be increased to infinity just like it has so far.


PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

27 September 2013

Matterhorn / GoldSwitzerland opens new Gold & Silver vaulting facilities in Hong Kong and Singapore

Matterhorn Asset Management / GoldSwitzerland is the only company in the world offering gold and silver storage in four locations with personal ownership and access for the investor.

In addition to the existing two vaults in Switzerland (Zurich and Swiss Alps) clients can, from October 1 2013, also store their precious metals in Singapore and Hong Kong. (more…)

PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

THE MATTERHORN INTERVIEW Special: Jesse of Jesse’s Café Américain – September/October 2013

“We Are Seeing An All-out Defense of the Status Quo”

lecafeOn behalf of Matterhorn Asset Management, financial journalist Lars Schall talked with Jesse, the host of the popular financial web site Jesse’s Café Américain, about, inter alia: his interest in precious metals; why he thinks the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission decided to take no action regarding complaints about manipulation of the silver market; the future of the so called “currency wars;” and last but not least why he believes that the Federal Reserve is laying the groundwork for its own demise.

By Lars Schall

Jesse’s web site Jesse’s Café Américain can be found here.


PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

In my KWN interview on February 20, I discussed that with the US on life support, this was the wrong time to turn off the machine. A country with debt going up exponentially, real GDP and real wages going down and real unemployment at 23% is not in a position to stop the stimulus. Add to that a US and European banking system full of of toxic debt and worthless derivatives and we know why the Fed is worried. Instead we will see more QE and a crashing dollar.

The Fed is clearly lost and they don’t even believe their own propaganda. With words they must make confident noises as if the economy was improving and and as if they were in control over monetary policy. But they know the underlying US and World economy are too weak to turn down the printing presses.  And we know they can’t even control the printing presses since they are running amok. To double US debt to $17 trillion in 6 years has been totally effortless for Bernanke and his cohorts. What is clear is that there will not be any meaningful tapering for many, many years. Because the next significant move will be an increase in QE. I could easily see QE doubling some time during 2014 and thereafter run into many trillion dollars and eventually much more as the dollar collapses. With the dollar racing to the bottom, the bond market will sell off and interest rates shoot up. And so the hyperinflationary era starts.

To listen to the KWN interview click on the link:  King World News Interview



Egon von Greyerz


PART TWO: The Real Earthquake In Financial Markets Is Yet To Come – John Butler

THE MATTERHORN INTERVIEW – September 2013: Eric Sprott


“The West Will Regret All Its Financial Policies Someday Soon”

For the September 2013 Matterhorn Interview Lars Schall interviews Eric Sprott.

We are obviously extremely pleased to feature Eric Sprott this month. He needs no introduction and is a Grandee in the precious metals markets. There are very few people who understand this market better than Eric. (more…)

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